This molecular visualization informs a general audience about the science of antifreeze proteins (AFPs). The diversity of life that produces AFPs is shown with examples of a fish, insect, fungus, and plant.
Audience: General Public
Client: Prof. Derek Ng
Software: Photoshop, Illustrator, Chimera, VMD, Maya
Medium: 2-Page Magazine Spread
Research & Media Audit
Early on, I focused my research on structures, functions, and applications related to AFPs. At this stage, I was interested in how AFPs provide insight into storing human organs for transplantation at low temperatures without being damaged.
I also conducted a media audit of existing visualizations exploring AFPs and identified key gaps in communication for a general audience.
Using the initial research, I sketched out compositions based on different communication goals outlining AFPs' function and applications.
Discussions with Prof. Ng revealed that while each subsection had a clear purpose, these options were too uniform; at a glance, the main purpose was not clear.
To incorprate feedback from the initial sketches, I redid the composition to make two main ideas clear: the mechanism as well as diversity of AFPs. I used PDB data to create placeholder assets and developed a layout draft.
In another round of feedback, the combination of volume and ribbon representations for the AFPs confused some to think that the proteins were bound to some molecule. I then adjusted the placeholder assets to better showcase the ice-binding sites, as shown in the finalized layout.
Layout Draft
Layout Draft
Finalized Layout
Finalized Layout
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